Referee course
Oslo Fekteklub
Påmeldingsfrist: 18.09.2024 22:00
We invite fencers and parents to participate in the course to ensure that all active fencers are familiar with the rules and that we want to get more qualified judges in the club.
The course is mandatory for fencers U14 and older! We strongly encourage all parents, but especially those who travel for competitions with their children to attend the course.
We are so lucky that Kristian Schønberg Christensen (Bygdøy FK), who is a member of NF's referee committee, is coming to us to hold the course.
There will be a theoretical course this evening, and then there will be an opportunity for practical refereeing under guidance when we organize the Zorro Cup on 17 November 2024 here at the Kuben in the multipurpose hall.
Please indicate here or let the trainers, Julia, Joel or Ivo know that you are coming.
Read the materials beforehand: they are available on our website here:
Julia Broniszewska
E-post: jul.broniszewska@gmail.com
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