Nordic Championships
Påmeldingsfrist: 15.09.2024 09:00
Hi, here is an invitation to Örebro Masters - Nordic Championships in Sweden. It takes place 5-6 October, but we will travel on Friday the 4th. The club will be supporting this event financially with the Bufdir grant. We need to know as early as possible who wants to participate (at least two weeks earlier to plan the trip).
If you register after the deadline, we might not be able to support you, so let us know as soon as possible.
We plan to travel by car, rent a mini-van and stay in a hotel.
Comment on this event if you want more information.
Women and Men fence separately.
start 8:30 U15 Women & Men
9:00 U20 Women & Men
start 8:30 Team U20 Women & Men (national team - you need to be chosen)
U17 Women & Men
9:00 U13 Women & Men
Gear requirements:
U17, U20, Sen o Vet:
Mask: FIE,
Vest: FIE,
Plastron: FIE,
Breeches: FIE,
Saber Glove: FIE,
Breast protection dam: Required (foil: FIE)
Blade: Standard
(At Nordic Championships, FIE blades are mandatory in senior category)
Max blade length: 5
Transparent body cord connectors and specific wiring through the guard connector!
Mask: FIE,
Vest: FIE / CE (Vest or plastron shall be FIE-marked 800 N),
Plastron: FIE / CE (Vest or plastron shall be FIE-marked 800 N),
Breeches: CE,
Saber Glove: Standard,
Breast protection dam: Required (foil: FIE)
Blade: Standard,
Max blade length: 5
Transparent body cord connectors and specific wiring through the guard connector!
Mask: CE,
Jacket: FIE / CE (Jacket or plastron shall be FIE-marked 800 N),
Plastron: FIE / CE (Jacket or plastron shall be FIE-marked 800 N),
Breeches: CE,
Saber Glove: Standard,
Breast protection: no requirement,
Blade: Standard,
Blade length: 2
Transparent body cord connectors and specific wiring through the guard connector!
Julia Broniszewska
E-post: jul.broniszewska@gmail.com
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